- Gothic
So this Gothic is one of the most popular forms of calligraphy. But not use very often, because it is not readable with your eyes and it is difficult to read in large quantities. All Gothic alphabets are made up of dramatic, dark letter forms full impact, contrast and detailed decoration. Gothic is therefore best suited to short and weighty texts without a long contexts such as proclamations, scrolls, certificates, brief quotations... and so on.
In fact that Gothic suits any kind of short official or medieval-looking document for which impressive appearance is more important than legibility.

Whenever you are writing Gothic alphabets, you need to some important skills to do:
- Keep pen angle at 45 degrees
- Draw straight vertical lines
- Draw short, straight diagonal lines - both thin and thick, in different directions
- Small, controlled movement of the nib
- Rhythm!
You can practice with these sentence for your practice!
as baa-lamb sassy sisters lassos aardvark sesame
straight pajamas jealously abracadabra razzmatazz
sesquipedalian pandemonium assassinations exaggeratedly
circumnavigation antidisestablishmentarianism
floccinaucinihilipilification supercalifragilisticexpoaliodocious
You might prefer to try our old favorite....
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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