Friday, November 11, 2016

Birthday Card! Just a drawing

November 12th is my friend's birthday and she invited me to her birthday party.
So I decided to make birthday card for her.

Well, Calligraphy is for this kinds of event! HAHAHA
(Or maybe in this case, just a drawing...?)

I'll show you some outlines that I'm making for her birthday card!

Recently I saw a cool GIF drawing this ribbon lettering drawing about greeting autumn.
So I decided to apply on my birthday card with different decorations!

Just put some more details so it doesn't look alone...

She is very interested in Korea, so I'm considering putting this 생일축하해 (Happy Birthday in Korean) words in her birthday card. I don't know yet...

I like that crown shape top :)
It was not intended one, but it looks like crown!

And still don't know what to do, but I made some outline for my writing section.
I always have a hard time to figure out what can be the best result of my arrangement.
Hope this will work out easily soon :)

Lastly, this is what I draw, colored, decided before I start the outline.
I liked that cloud a lot, but maybe next time.
(I don't know where to put it...)

It is always happy thing to draw and make something special for someone.
This might can be not pretty or perfect as much as Hallmark cards, but I think this can be the only one card in the world that I created!
Hope she will love this card.

I'll be back with final shot of my card next time.
See you soon!

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